Commands and Utilities
Universal utility for network connection in Unix and similar operating systems
nc host port
Connects to the host on the specified port
nc -l -p port
Starts nc in listener mode on the specified port
nc -z host {port-range}
Basic port scanner
nc -v host port
Get banner
nc -l -p local_port -c 'nc remote_host remote_port'
Configures a basic proxy where it listens for a specific local port and forwards it to a remote server
nc -l -p 1234 -e /bin/bash
Simple backdoor
Linux command to manage ІР. Older brother of ifconfig
ip addr
Shows all addresses
ip -4 addr
Shows IPv4 address
ip -6 addr
Shows IPv6 address
The netstat command lets you discover which sockets are connected and which sockets are listening. Meaning, it tells you which ports are in use and which processes are using them. It can show you routing tables and statistics about your network interfaces and multicast connections.This command is liable to produce a long listing, so we pipe it into less.
netstat -at | less
Looks for all tcp sockets
netstat -au | less
Looks for all udp sockets
netstat -l | less
Looks for all listening sockets. We could combine with -t to make netstat -lt or -lu to search for listening tcp or udp sockets
netstat -p -at
Shows all TCP sockets with PID
sudo netstat -anp | grep ":22"
Finds 22 port target string
sudo netstat -i
Show network interfaces
sudo netstat -r
Display kernel routing table
For understanding traceroute you should know what is TCP/IP suite of protocols, especially what is UDP or User Datagram Protocol. There are a lot of headers but we need TTL (Time to Live). It is a count how much routers, gateways could possibly pass this packet, each router decrements 1. When TTL reaches 0, router sends ICMP "Time Exceeded" message back to the origin of the packet. So traceroute first sends packet with ttl 1, then 2, then 3 etc. until destination is reached or maximum number of hops (30 by default) is tested.
traceroute -l IP
Use ICMP Echo requests instead of UDP packets
traceroute -n IP
Do not resolve hostnames
traceroute -q IP
Set the number of queries per hop
traceroute -m IP
Set the maximum hop count
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