Event Log Readers


Properly configured logging systems is an easy, cheap but very effective way to prevent many hacking attempts. as example a lot of hackers after getting into system use commands like: "whoami, netstat, tasklist, ver, ipconfig, systeminfo, dir, net view, ping, net use, type, at, reg, wmic, wusa". Also logs are usually compatible with a lot of modern SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) tools.

For hackers logs could be useful for searching sensitive information, like check user logins and find credentials

Confirming Membership

C:\> net localgroup "Event Log Readers"

Searching Security Logs

PS C:\> wevtutil qe Security /rd:true /f:text | Select-String "/user"
# Do same but from other user
PS C:\> wevtutil qe Security /rd:true /f:text /r:share01 /u:ven17 /p:shrekislove | findstr "/user"

Searching Logs with Get-WinEvent

It's not necessary to be member of Event Log Readers group to use this cmdlet. In this command we filter for process creation events (4688), which contain /user in the process command line.

PS C:\> Get-WinEvent -LogName security | where { $_.ID -eq 4688 -and $_.Properties[8].Value -like '*/user*'} | Select-Object @{name='CommandLine';expression={ $_.Properties[8].Value }}

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