John The Ripper


John the Ripper (JTR or john) is an essential pentesting tool used to check the strength of passwords and crack encrypted (or hashed) passwords using either brute force or dictionary attacks. It is open-source software initially developed for UNIX-based systems and first released in 1996.

Cracking Modes

Single Crack Mode

Is one of the most common John modes used when attempting to crack passwords using a single password list. It is a brute-force attack which use single password list, meaning all passwords on the list are tried, one by one, until the correct one is found.

$ john --format=sha256 hashes_to_crack.txt

Wordlist Mode

Is used to crack passwords using multiple lists of words. It is a dictionary attack which means it will try all the words in the lists one by one until it finds the right one. It is almost same with Single Crack Mode, just uses custom wordlists.

$ john --wordlist=<wordlist_file> --rules <hash_file>

Incremental Mode

is an advanced John mode used to crack passwords using a character set. It is a hybrid attack, which means it will attempt to match the password by trying all possible combinations of characters from the character set.

$ john --incremental <hash_file>

Cracking Files

$ locate *2john #locate tools to make file crackable
$ pdf2john server_doc.pdf > server_doc.hash
$ john server_doc.hash
$ john --wordlist=<wordlist.txt> server_doc.hash


John sometimes can't crack files without proper formatting, and for this reason there are a lot of scripts to change format into john-crackable one.

locate *2john

After converting we could crack it with basic command: id_rsa > ssh.hash #changing file to crackable type
john --wordlist=rockyou.txt ssh.hash #cracking
john ssh.hash --show #show password if cracked succesfully

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